C’est Parfait.

In reality, perfection is just an allusion that the human race has created in order to create an idealistic view to strive towards. Smart? Yes. Helpful? Yes. Detrimental? Absolutely. 

Today there are so many people who strive so wholistically towards perfection that they forget how inattainable this goal is. Yes, we can all work towards bettering ourselves and being the best version of ourself that we could possibly be, but that, in no way, makes us perfect. We may end being amazing people with beautiful souls and amazing hearts, but hell,  and even Nelson Mandela, George Washington, Albert Einstein, we all have flaws, and frankly it’s the flaws amongst us that create the beautiful diversity in our society. 

When talking about perfection we must also toy with the notion of not something, an object, that is perfect but perhaps a perfect situation, in which case I believe can happen. There can, in certain lucky instances, be a chain of events which lead up to this one culminating, monumentous, glorified, perfect moment. They are one in a million, and only truly come to those who both work for them as well as have a substantial amount of luck behind them, but I believe those perfect moments can happen. With that said also realize that everybody’s idea of perfect is different. To me, for instance, I find myself in many more perfect moments as I have grown older because I have found that the little things are the ones that really matter to me, the things that can truly make a moment perfect. I have learned to enjoy the small things therefore leading me to more perfect moments in my life time. 

Again, perfect can also come in a relationship. No, I’m not saying that any relationship is perfect, however (perhaps contrary to my previous post) I believe that any one person could be perfect for someone else. When you tell your sweetheart that he or she is perfect for you, it is in a way saying that you two are perfect complements. You fill in where the other lacks and vice versa. Granted, you may experience this sense of perfection more than once, however my piece of advice, when you find it, don’t let it go, because it will take you places you had only dreamed of. 

With all of the above in mind, take a look at your life and your happenings and see where perfection may or may not be present. Do you strive towards perfection? This unattainable, yet beautifully unrealistic, goal that we all aspire to achieve (to some degree). Do you have many, or few, perfect instances in your life that help to restore your faith in humanity and in the idea of perfection as a whole? Perhaps a day where you find the will to get up early, go for a run, do some yoga, get to the bus stop exactly as the bus does, and still manage to get to work early. (Detailed solely because this was me today, hehe) Are you lucky enough to have that relationship where the connection is there and it seems like nothing could go wrong?  Now examine and analyze all that you have just discovered and look for ways to better understand your idea of perfection and live each day looking for the little things and looking for new ways to challenge your mind into a new way of thinking. After all, one of the things that constitutes perfection, is the ability to accept new ideas… 

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